Providing weekly engaging content to teach active kids that are hands on learners.
Pick a subject below to see this week’s curriculum for Grade 6-8.
We need compelling curriculum that includes dynamic visual learning to engage active kids.
My name is Alyssa
I am a homeschooling mom to an only. He is extremely visually oriented. This might be due to growing up in an entirely digital age. Homeschooling him with online programs, while convenient for me, were not the best for him.
Teaching an active kid told me that I needed to find a better way to engage active kids. Active kids require dynamic and engaging activities to hold their interest.
Most active kids require constantly changing stimulation to engage them. It is true, all children need to learn the importance of patience and being still. They also need to learn the importance of working hard at something that doesn’t particularly interest them. However, when trying to teach them a subject they find boring it does help to have a few tricks up your sleeve:).
That is why I have started this website to share the lessons that I compile for my son who happens to be an active kiddo. Content creators online have devoted their talent and creativity to crafting interesting content based on the subject that they are experts in. So I thought, my son already loves watching videos on Youtube, why not use these videos that so many talented people have created to teach him? This way, learning can be more engaging for active kids.
I have found that integrating videos from educated and talented creators along with worksheets designed to help him focus on the video has really helped to stimulate his learning. For active kids, this combination works wonders.
So I am so excited to share the lessons I have found useful with all of you. Join our email list to always be informed of the newest lesson post. This blog is dedicated to helping all active kids learn effectively.